Now with self-hosted comments

Posted on 2025-02-10 in Software • Tagged with blog, free-software, howto, linux, privacy, self-hosting

A few days ago I received an email from a reader and fellow blogger, to let me know that he was following my blog and also gave me a shout out about my New Year's resolution to write at least one article every month of 2025, and that I was …

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Automating Python code quality

Posted on 2023-06-23 in Software • Tagged with programming, python, automation, howto, free-software

In this article I explain what I mean by code quality and how it benefits developers.

In the first half I discuss general concepts and workflows that apply to most software projects. Even if you are not writing Python code you might learn something from it.

In the second half …

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Nextcloud CardDAV and CalDAV discovery with DNS records

Posted on 2022-02-17 in Software • Tagged with nextcloud, howto, self-hosting, dns

I use a self-hosted Nextcloud instance to hold a lot of my personal data, and that includes my contacts and calendars. Recently I had to reinstall DAVx5 on my phone, and I was surprised that the Nextcloud account was failing to be added.

The DAVx5 error logs showed that it …

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Unlocking a LUKS-encrypted partition on boot with an USB drive

Posted on 2019-10-13 in Software • Tagged with linux, encryption, security, howto

The use case I wanted to solve was this: I have a headless server with a LUKS software-encrypted hard drive, and I want to be able to reboot it without having to input the password on a keyboard. The solution I implemented is to create a LUKS keyfile on a …

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